The aim of the academic program at the Pacific Regional Seminary is to provide for the intellectual training and formation of future priests for the Pacific in the disciplines of scripture, theology, philosophy, and relevant socio-pastoral sciences.
It is clearly acknowledged by both the PRS Senate and Staff, that while the academic program and the academic awards offered at PRS are very important, they are not the primary determining factors in the formation program for candidates to the priesthood.
There are three academic qualifications available from the studies at PRS: Diploma of Theology, Bachelor of Divinity, and Bachelor of Theology. The requirements are given below. Students, who do not complete all the requirements of either the Diploma of Theology or the Bachelor of Divinity programs, are awarded an internal Certificate of Theology confirming that they have passed a number of courses of study.


The Diploma of Theology program at PRS is accredited by the South Pacific Association of Theological Schools (SPATS) and the Fiji Higher Education Commission (FHEC).
Admission requirements for the Diploma of Theology and for entrance into the Seminary are a minimum of five years’ secondary education, usually with a pass grade in the final examination. As most students at PRS come from multi-lingual countries throughout the Pacific, candidates are also required to sit an entrance examination to demonstrate their competency in both written comprehension and expression of English. Beginning in 2015, diocesan students will also have had to complete the propaedeutic period offered in the third term prior to entry.
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of the Diploma of Theology is to provide students for the priesthood with the academic skills and the theological foundations required for entry into the Bachelor of Divinity program. The Diploma is required for entry into the BD program which in turn is normally required for ordination in the Catholic Church.
In the light of the above statement of purpose, the Diploma of Theology has the following essential objectives:
- to improve the students’ knowledge of English and provide the skills necessary for tertiary level studies,
- to equip students with an adequate philosophical background and knowledge of the social sciences needed to pursue theological studies,
- to equip students with a foundational knowledge of Sacred Scripture, Systematic Theology, Christian Ethics, Church History and Pastoral Praxis.
The Diploma used to include one or two terms of a Foundation Year Program. Since 2015, the spirituality and courses of the Foundation year have been taken up in the Propaedeutic period which runs through the third term for those accepted to begin studies the following year and hence are not part of the Diploma program – but are a pre-requisite. The revised Diploma now requires nine terms of full-time study over a three-year period.
The Diploma of Theology is normally awarded to those students who have passed at least 36 courses listed in the program from Years I to III.
The PRS award of Distinction:
Where there has been excellent performance in the three years of the Diploma program (usually measured as maintaining an A- average or above) an internal award of Distinction is awarded to students with an A- average or above in the three years of study. This note of Distinction is to acknowledge and encourage superior performance.


The Bachelor of Divinity program at PRS is accredited by the South Pacific Association of Theological Schools (SPATS) and the Fiji Higher Education Commission (FHEC).
Admission requirement for the Bachelor of Divinity program is the Diploma of Theology or its equivalent.
Statement of Purpose and Objectives
The program of the Bachelor of Divinity, a second degree in theological studies, fulfils the demands of the Catholic Church, by offering the courses needed for the academic formation for the priesthood. Accordingly, the BD program comprises all the courses presented in Years IV, VI and VII of the PRS program.
Specifically, the BD program aims at enabling the students to:
- become familiar with the Catholic tradition and its contemporary expression in the Pacific;
- develop a mature understanding of the Scriptures, the history, traditions and beliefs of their own and other expressions of the Catholic faith;
- apply a mature evaluation to contemporary theologies and spiritualities;
- express a reasoned appreciation of the Catholic faith and articulate a reasoned application of it to contemporary issues;
- Respond to and appreciate other Christian traditions and other faiths.
Research Papers:
Students of Years IV, VI and VII are required to submit one Research Paper (10 pages for Year IV and 20 pages for Years VI and VII) on Scriptures, Theology and a subject of their own choice under the direction of a supervisor. All papers must be of high quality. Students should aim at having their papers published. All papers must be handed in by July 10th 2020. All the marks and grades are to be handed in for the Marks’ Meeting at the beginning of the third term.
The Bachelor of Divinity is normally awarded to those students who have passed at least 36 courses listed in the program in the handbook from Years 4 to 7, plus 3 research papers.
The PRS Award of Distinction
Where there has been excellent performance in the three years of the B.D. program (usually measured as maintaining an A- average or above) an internal award of Distinction is awarded to students with an A- average or above in the three years of study. This note of Distinction is to acknowledge and encourage superior performance.


The Pacific Regional Seminary is affiliated to the Faculty of Theology of the Pontificia Universitas Urbaniana, Rome. The said university grants the Bachelor of Theology degree to students of PRS who complete their requirements.
Admission requirement for the Bachelor of Theology is the same as the admission requirement for the Diploma of Theology
Statement of Purpose
Because PRS is affiliated to the Faculty of Theology of the Pontificia Universitas Urbaniana, the purpose and objectives of studies reflect the requirements of the said university. Thus, it is the responsibility of the theological faculty to deeply study the facts and teachings of Divine Revelation.
In particular, it faithfully studies the way in which they have been transmitted through Tradition and the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. It studies also the way in which they have been deepened by recent researches in order that they could be presented correctly, effectively and in a language understandable to the contemporary world.
In the light of the above statement of purpose, the Bachelor of Theology degree has the following essential objectives:
• to present an organic vision of Revelation,
• to present a general introduction to sacred scriptures, dogmas of faith, moral theology and the life of the Church,
• to equip students with different modes of evangelical announcement
• and finally, to introduce the students to the method of personal academic research.
The program is spread over a period of four years of Theology with two years of philosophy as the pre-requisite.
Comprehensive Examination:
Both oral and written comprehensive examinations are required in addition to the completion of the courses in theology covered from Years III, IV, VI and VII. The examinations, both oral and written, are based on the theses proposed by the Pontificia Universitas Urbaniana. The purpose of the Comprehensive Examination is to provide an opportunity for the students to demonstrate their understanding of the principal themes of Catholic doctrine and faith. Students must be familiar with biblical languages and sources, major councils and other official statements of the Church, some approaches of major theologians and other traditions in relation to the theses mentioned above. Year VII students are required to take the oral examination and the four to six hour written for the comprehensive exam.
The Comprehensive written is marked in Fiji and then sent to the Urbaniana University for final assessment. The average marks in all subjects, together with the oral exam marks, and the written exams marks as judged in Fiji are forwarded to the Urbaniana University, who then awards the overall mark for the degree of Bachelor of Theology for each student.


The Academic Advisory Committee (AAC) operates through the office of the Academic Dean. It is concerned in general with all the areas of the Academic program of the Pacific Regional Seminary. For the Academic Year 2020 its membership consists of:
• Rev. Dr. Donald Maldari, SJ (Dean)
• Fr. Samuela Tukidia, SM
• Fr. Johnathan Hurrell, SSCC
• Fr. James Kyaw - Hoe, SDB
• Mrs. Ana Bibi
• Aisea Muavesi (Student President)

The AAC meets to discuss academic concerns of both faculty and students. The recommendations and reports of the AAC are presented to the Academic Faculty for further discussions and then approval. One of the main concerns of the AAC is to evaluate continually the current academic program and curriculum, the work loads of individual programs and courses, and to make recommendations to the faculty concerning the future development of the curriculum.
The AAC also acts as a tribunal for academic appeals. Should a lecturer or a student have a grievance that cannot be otherwise taken care of concerning a course, a grade, or the general academic program, he/she is invited to approach any member of the AAC. It will be this member's responsibility to represent the complaint to the Committee. The complaint and how it was dealt with is recorded by the Dean.
Through the Academic Dean, the AAC coordinates student evaluations of the courses. This is done before the conclusion of lectures in each term. The results are returned to the lecturer after assessments have been completed. 


At the beginning of each year, the Rector, after consultation with the Dean, appoints lecturers to be the Coordinators for each class. The Class Coordinator consults regularly (usually each Friday during the meeting periods) with the students of his or her class concerning their general spirit and progress. He or she also addresses concerns regarding their academic courses and workloads. Urgent matters should be taken to the Dean. The Class Coordinator makes a report at the monthly Academic Staff Meetings.
Coordinators ensure the due dates for assignments and reviews are properly distributed, and the amount of work demanded is in proportion to the importance of the course. All courses must have more than two grounds for assessment. It is recommended that no undue weight (more than 40%) be given to any one component of the course's assessment. The Class Coordinator should try to provide moral support and be an animator for the class.


For general inquiries, email us at:

Phone: [679] 330 - 2224; 330 - 2614


461 Queen Elizabeth Drive
Nasese, Suva, Fiji


Private Mail Bag 79, Suva, Fiji

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