The library shares in the goals and aims of CEPAC (Episcopal Conference of the Pacific), which is to provide for the spiritual, theological, pastoral, and priestly formation of their candidates for the priesthood, by providing stimulating material to aid in the growth of the above-mentioned aspects.
Users of the Library
The PRS Library plays an important role in the formation of the students’ academic life. It is a lending library and so books and other materials may be borrowed by both staff and students of PRS.
While staff and students of PRS are the primary users of its library, we welcome students and staff of PTC, USP, SPATS, ECREA, local Catholic priests and religious, and other institutions around Fiji in need of its specialized resources, to use our library. We can lend only to registered borrowers, but our photocopying facilities and reference services are available to visitors.
Software System
PRS uses Koha, an open access library software system that Catholic theological seminaries in “developing nations” can connect to through a website called “Sharing the Word”. The main idea behind this Koha Sharing the Word system is for the better sharing of Catholic library and information resources. This project has the backing of the Pontifical Society of St. Peter the Apostle.
The library collection, which is organized through the Dewey System, is made up of approximately 26,523 titles, mostly in English, some in other languages. These titles are shelved in three main sections of the library: Reference; Pacifica; General (This section holds most of the collection.)
Books from the Reference and Pacifica sections and the journals may not be borrowed. PRS subscribes to 34 journals. These journals are very expensive, so we only subscribe to those which are most useful in complementing the courses taught here at PRS.
PRS library subscribes to ATLA (American Theological Library Association) Religion Online Database with ATLASerials through EBSCOHost.
The librarians are assisted by the Library Board which is chaired by the Rector. The Board members include the Dean, the Vice-Rector, and a student rep. The Board meets regularly to discuss issues pertaining to the library and endeavors to be as helpful as possible by always looking for ways and new ideas to enhance library services.
Library Associations
The PRS Library is a member of the Fiji Library Association (FLA) and of the Australia and New Zealand Theological Library Association (ANZTLA).
Library Rules and regulations are being regularly revised to suit the current situation.
Anyone may access the PRS Library catalogue by clicking on the following link:
Link for PRS Library: http://suva.intersearch.com.au/
Once you have logged on, please see the words Pacific Regional Seminary Library on the top left-hand side and click on these words. Our PRS Logo and other information will appear. No password is needed to access our collection.
Assistant Librarian: Ms. Berenadeta Raselala
Phone: (679) 330 2224
Fax: (679) 330 3882
Email: bernieeciwa@yahoo.com
8.00am to 1.00pm (Mondays to Fridays)
2.00pm to 5.00pm (Mondays to Fridays)
The library is closed over the weekends and on public holidays.
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