
The Episcopal Conference of the Pacific - Conferentia Episcopalis Pacifici, (CEPAC) - was formally inaugurated on 26th March 1968. CEPAC is a permanent institution in which the Bishops of certain Pacific Island dioceses, according to the norms of law, exercise certain pastoral functions on behalf of the Christian faithful of their territories, especially through forms and programmes which are adapted to the present circumstances and needs of the Pacific Islands (Code of Canon Law: Canon 447)

The Episcopal Conference of the Pacific is constituted by diocesan bishops and those equivalent to them in law, of the Archdioceses of Papeete, Noumea, Suva, Samoa-Apia and Agana and all ecclesiastical territories suffragan or aggregated to them, and the Diocese of Tonga. This means that the following dioceses and archdioceses make up the Conference;Agana (Guam), Caroline Islands (FM), Chalan Kanoa (Saipan, Marianas), Noumea (New Caledonia), Port Vila (Vanuatu), Wallis and Futuna, Suva (Fiji), Tonga, Tarawa and Nauru (Kiribati) Samoa-Apia (Samoa), Samoa-Pagopago (American Samoa) Tonga and Niue, Papeete (Tahiti), Rarotonga (Cook Islands), Taiohae ou Tefenuaenata (Marquesas Islands); and in addition the prefecture Apostolic of the Marshall Islands, Missio Sui Iuris of Funafuti (Tuvalu) and Missio Sui Iuris of Tokelau.



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