The seminary is officially known as "The Pacific Regional Seminary of St. Peter Chanel". The Archbishops and Bishops of CEPAC constitute the Seminary's Board of Trustees which sets policies and sees to the supervision of priestly formation at the Seminary. (PRS Constitution, Article III).
The Senate is composed of four bishops, elected by the Board of Trustees for a term of three years (renewable), and assumes, in the name of the Trustees, the general administration and supervision of the seminary, leaving the details of the day to day administration to the Rector and the members of Staff.
Two representatives of the affiliated colleges, elected from among the congregations who have affiliated colleges, also participate in the deliberations of the Senate.
Ultimate responsibility for the seminary is in the hands of CEPAC – Conferentia
Episcopalis Pacifici. The Bishops' Conference appoints four bishops (or their representatives) to the Seminary Senate. The Seminary Senate is responsible for the administration and implementation of policies for the seminary in the name of the Bishops' Conference and is the liaison authority between the Conference and the Seminary.
The members of the Seminary Senate are:
• Archbishop Peter Loy Chong, Fiji (Chairman)
• Cardinal Soane Patita Mafi, Tonga
• Bishop Jean Bosco Baremes, SM, Vanuatu
• Bishop Susitino Sionepoe, SM, Wallis et Futuna
• Representative from Religious Congregations
• Representative from Institute of Apostolic Life
• Father Simon Mani, MSC, Rector
• CEPAC Secretary General
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